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  1. Glider Pilots at Arnhem

    Buist, Luuk; Peters, Mike
    Pen and Sword

    The fierce struggle between the British 1st Airborne Division and the superior German forces in and around Arnhem is well documented. This book tells of the role played in the bat...

  2. Glider Pilots in Sicily

    Peters, Mike
    Pen and Sword

    The British Airborne landings on Sicily are the least known and, without doubt, the most fraught with political and technical strife. Newly formed Air landing troops were delivere...

  3. Glimpses of an Unfamilar Japan, Second Series

    Hearn, Lafcadio
    Duke Classics 2014

    In the second volume of Lafcadio Hearn's essays on the culture of nineteenth-century Japan, readers are given an firsthand look inside a society that was long cloaked by secrecy an...

  4. Glimringe

    Sparre, Birgit Th.
    Saga Egmont

    Året är 1740 då den handlingskraftiga karolinen Rutenswärd köper Glimringegård. En plats omringad av milsvida ensliga skogar och en tjock blekblå dimma, det blir där han startar Gl...

  5. The Global Coup d'Etat

    Nordangård, Jacob
    Pharos Media Productions

    Most people probably associate the phrase ‘coup d’etat’ with a sudden, violent takeover, with tanks around government buildings, takeover of media channels, purges of dissidents, a...

  6. Glöd och visdom : Mina vägvisare för barnets rättigheter

    Gustafsson, Lars H

    Från januari 2020 gäller FN:s barnkonvention som svensk lag. En stark förespråkare för detta är en av våra mest kända barnrättskämpar, Lars H Gustafsson. Här tecknar han levande oc...

  7. Glömda soldater

    Larsdotter, Anna
    Historiska media

    Under andra världskriget fanns kvinnorna med på alla fronter – som sjuksköterskor, piloter, prickskyttar, partisaner, agenter, kökspersonal, luftvärnssoldater, signalister och tolk...

  8. Glossop in the Great War

    Cooper, Glynis
    Pen and Sword

    A new book on Glossop during World War I focuses on the economic and social conditions, problems and hardships of those left at home in England played out against a background of m...

  9. Gloster Javelin

    Napier, Michael John W
    Pen and Sword

    The RAF’s only delta-winged fighter – the Gloster Javelin was also Britain’s first true All-Weather Fighter. Based in the UK and in Germany, the RAF’s Javelin squadrons formed the...

  10. Gloucester & Newbury 1643

    Day, Jon
    Pen and Sword

    The campaign that led to the first Battle of Newbury in 1643 represents a vital phase in the English Civil War, yet rarely has it received the attention it deserves. In this compel...

  11. Gloucestershire Hero

    Rostron, Peter
    Pen and Sword

    Small in physical stature Colonel, later Brigadier, Patsy Pagan was seen as a giant by the men of the Gloucestershire Regiment, whom he commanded for over three gruelling years of...

  12. God man eller förvaltare

    Fälldin, Kerstin
    Natur & Kultur

    5:e utgåvan Den här boken tar upp frågor om vad det innebär att vara god man eller förvaltare, hur man sköter den ekonomiska förvaltningen, hur går det till att avveckla bostaden...

  13. God's Babies: Natalism and Bible Interpretation in Modern America

    McKeown, John
    Open Book Publishers

    The human population's annual total consumption is not sustainable by one planet. This unprecedented situation calls for a reformation in religious cultures that promote a large id...

  14. God's Generals

    Gabriel, Richard A
    Pen and Sword

    It is one of the more startling facts of military history that the founders of three of the four 'great religions'—Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam—were also accomplished field general...

  15. Gods and Garments

    Brøns, Cecilie
    Oxbow Books

    Textiles comprise a vast and wide category of material culture and constitute a crucial part of the ancient economy. Yet, studies of classical antiquity still often leave out this...

  16. Gods och bönder från högmedeltid till nutid : kontinuitet genom omvandling på Vittskövle och andra skånska gods

    Nordic Academic Press

    Skånes över 300 gods har en enastående förmåga att fortleva genom århundradena. Deras sätt att anpassa sig till nya förhållanden – ekonomiska, politiska, sociala och kulturella – ä...

  17. The Gods of Battle

    Webber, Chris
    Pen and Sword

    Herodotus described the Thracians (who inhabited what is now roughly modern Bulgaria, Romania, the European part of Turkey and northern Greece) as the most numerous nation of all -...

  18. Going to Extremes

    Wade, Stephen
    Pen and Sword

    Harry de Windt (1856–1933) was a man who, by any standards, was a personality, a marked presence in the world of Victorian and Edwardian literature and social life. He was a member...

  19. Gold Beach

    Dunphie, Christopher; Johnson, Garry
    Pen and Sword

    The two authors, both formerly senior professional soldiers, have compiled an easy-to-follow itinerary to the British landings on 6 June 1944 on Gold Beach and the ensuing bitter f...

  20. Gold Juno Sword

    Bowman, Martin W.
    Pen and Sword

    This is the final volume of a comprehensive five part work, including a multitude of personal accounts of every aspect of the aerial operations on 'Gold' 'Juno and 'Sword' beaches...