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  1. Koodi vapaaksi -hakkerietiikan vaativuus

    Vadén, Tere; Stallman, Richard M.
    Tampere University Press 2002 1. painos

    Informaatioteknologia on hyvä ja paha, aina tapauksesta riippuen; koodin vapauttaminen omistajuuden kahleista on hyvän puolella pahaa vastaan. "Hakkereiden kuninkaan" Richard Stall...

  2. Getting Started with Python for the Internet of Things : Leverage the full potential of Python to prototype and build IoT projects using the Raspberry Pi

    Cox, Tim; Fernandes, Dr. Steven Lawrence; Yamanoor, Sai; Yamanoor, Srihari; Diwakar Vaish, Prof.
    Packt Publishing 2024

    Build clever, collaborative, and powerful automation systems with the Raspberry Pi and Python. Key Features Create your own Pi-Rover or Pi-Hexipod robots Develop practical applica...

  3. Raspberry Pi Pico DIY Workshop : Build exciting projects in home automation, personal health, gardening, and citizen science

    Yamanoor, Sai; Yamanoor, Srihari
    Packt Publishing 2024

    Take your first steps with the Raspberry Pi Pico and take on exciting projects using CircuitPython, MicroPython, and PicoKey FeaturesMake the most of the Raspberry Pi Pico—a low-co...