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Jane Eyre

Charlotte Brontë's novel, Jane Eyre has been enjoyed by readers around the world for over 160 years. The eldest of the Brontë sisters, this is Charlotte's most famous and influential novel. Written as a fictitious 'autobiography', it follows the story of Jane Eyre as she grows up, dealing with issues of morality, love, religion and class.

Andrews UK 1. painos
ENG EISBN: 9781781666487

Saatavana seuraavilla kirjasto­korteilla

Imatra, Lappeenranta-Villmanstrand, Lemi, Parikkala, Rautjärvi, Ruokolahti, Savitaipale, Taipalsaari

Enonkoski, Heinävesi, Hirvensalmi, Joroinen-Jorois, Juva, Mikkeli-S:t Michel, Mäntyharju, Pertunmaa, Pieksämäki, Puumala, Rantasalmi, Savonlinna-Nyslott, Varkaus

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