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The Orphans of Raspay : Penric & Desdemona Series, Book 7 (äänikirja)

When the ship in which they are traveling is captured by Carpagamon island raiders, Temple sorcerer Penric and his resident demon Desdemona find their life complicated by two young orphans, Lencia and Seuka Corva, far from home and searching for their missing father. Pen and Des will need all their combined talents of mind and magic to unravel the mysteries of the sisters and escape from the pirate stronghold.

Blackstone Publishing Unabridged
ENG EISBN: 9781094193717

Saatavana seuraavilla kirjasto­korteilla

Espoo-Esbo, Helsinki-Helsingfors, Kauniainen-Grankulla, Vantaa-Vanda

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