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  1. Me ja muut eläimet: uusi maailmanjärjestys

    Aaltola, Elisa; Wahlberg, Birgitta
    Osuuskunta Vastapaino 2020 1. utgåva

    Elisa Aaltolan ja Birgitta Wahlbergin toimittama artikkelikokoelma keskittyy uudenlaisen eläinsuhteen monitieteelliseen ja -taiteelliseen hahmottamiseen. Kirjassa käsitellään histo...

  2. Vegetarian times : everything vegan

    John Wiley & sons inc. 2011

    A diverse and delicious collection of vegan recipes from the experts at Vegetarian Times magazineWhether they're vegan for a day, a week, a lifetime, or even just for lunch hour, t...

  3. Becoming vegetarian : the complete guide to adopting a healthy vegetarian diet

    Melina, Vesanto
    Wiley 2003 Rev. and updated [ed.]

    The evidence is in— millions of people are moving toward a vegetarian diet because it offers a healthful and environmentally sound alternative to the standard diet. Becoming Vegeta...

  4. Becoming vegetarian the complete guide to adopting a healthy vegetarian diet

    Melina, Vesanto.; Davis, Brenda
    Wiley 2003 Revised and updated.

    The evidence is in— millions of people are moving toward a vegetarian diet because it offers a healthful and environmentally sound alternative to the standard diet. Becoming Vegeta...