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Study skills For dummies

Students need to learn to manage their time, organise their studies, understand, learn, and convey a lot of information – and they need to learn to do it quickly. Whether you’re fresh out of school, or a mature student returning to education, you now don’t need to feel alone!

With Study Skills For Dummies, you'll be given the know-how and confidence to achieve consistent results every time – and a lack of preparation will become a thing of the past.

Discover how to excel at:

  • Note-taking, speed-reading and essay-writing

  • Improving your memory, critical thinking and analysis

  • Using the internet to supplement study

  • Exam skills and developing the best learning strategy to fit your specific needs and abilities
ENG EISBN: 9781119997733

Fås med följande bibliotekskort

Akaa, Hämeenkyrö-Tavastkyro, Ikaalinen-Ikalis, Juupajoki, Kangasala, Kihniö, Lempäälä, Mänttä-Vilppula, Nokia, Orivesi, Parkano, Pirkkala-Birkala, Punkalaidun, Pälkäne, Ruovesi, Sastamala, Tampere-Tammerfors, Urjala, Valkeakoski, Vesilahti, Virrat-Virdois, Ylöjärvi

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