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Cybercash -the coming era of electronic money

Cybercash refers to the creation and circulation of online money. The author applies economic analysis to this new form of electronic money to understand how it will enable the internet to re-establish itself as the dynamic centre of the new economy and how this new money form will become the dominant payment mechanism rivalling cash, paper cheques or credit cards. This will be the first book to look at the coming era of electronic money within the broader context of the economy. Contents: PART 1: MONEY AND THE INTERNET Electronic Money The Monetary Regime in Transition The Internet Revolution PART 2: THE COMPLEXITIES OF CYBERCASH Money as Software Three Generations of Cybercash Managing Online Money PART 3: THE INTERNET-BASED ECONOMY Virtual Capitalism Cyberspace and Public Policy Author Biographies: ROBERT GUTTMANN is Professor of Economics at Hofstra University, New York and Visiting Professor at the Universite de Paris-Nord, France. He is an expert on the economics of money and has published many books and articles. Printing of the book is limited to 10 pages per day.

Palgrave Macmillan Ltd 1. utgåva
ENG EISBN: 1403914508

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