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  1. Vinnande ridning

    Widerdal, Mikael
    Allinmind Publishing

    Hur gör du för att lyckas maximera sina prestationer väl när det gäller, med din häst – oavsett ridnivå? Hur kan du under en pressande yttre situation finna ditt inre lugn och foku...

  2. Kreativitet och skaparkraft

    Widerdal, Mikael
    Allinmind Publishing

    Välkommen till din egen stund av ökad kreativitet och skaparkraft! Med vilsam musik i bakgrunden, guidar Mikael Widerdal dig genom träningspass på mindre än 10 minuter för att släp...

  3. Heja, heja

    Haag, Martina

    Andaktsfullt sätter jag på mig springkläderna. Jag tänker börja försiktigt och inte göra det klassiska nybörjarmisstaget. Många sticker ju ut och tokspringer två mil det snabbaste...

  4. What are you hungry for? : the Chopra solution to permanent weight loss, well-being, and lightness of soul

    Chopra, Deepak
    Books on Tape 2013

    What are you hungry for? Food? Love? Self-esteem? Peace? In this manual for "higher health," based on the latest findings in both mainstream and alternative medicine, Deepak Chopra...

  5. Whole : Rethinking the Science of Nutrition

    Campbell, PhD, T. Colin
    Blackstone Publishing 2013 Unabridged

    What happens when you eat an apple? The answer is vastly more complex than you imagine.Every apple contains thousands of antioxidants whose names, beyond a few like vitamin C, are...

  6. Running for My Life

    Lomong, Lopez; Tabb, Mark
    Thomas Nelson 2012

    Running for My Life is not a story about Africa or track and field athletics. It is about outrunning the devil and achieving the impossible faith, diligence, and the desire to give...

  7. Relaxation absolue

    Astorg Audio 2012 Unabridged

    Dans un monde où les sujets de stress et d'anxiété ne manquent pas, notre collection «  Relaxation guidée et musique » va vous aider à retrouver une certaine sérénité, un véritable...

  8. Wheat Belly : Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health

    Davis, MD, William
    Blackstone Publishing 2011 Unabridged

    A provocative look at how eliminating wheat from our diets can help us lose weight, shrink unsightly bulges, and reverse a broad spectrum of health problems—from acne to diabetes a...

  9. He Comes Next : The Thinking Woman's Guide to Pleasuring a Man

    Kerner, Ian
    HarperAudio 2006 Unabridged

    Ian Kerner, author of the smash success She Comes First, offers women his sometimes radical, always expert advice on everything from the nature of male desire to bedroom techniques...