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  1. The Act of Remembering toward an understanding of how we recall the past

    Mace, John H
    Wiley 2010

    The first volume devoted solely to autobiographical memory retrieval, The Act of Remembering serves as a primer of ideas, methodology, and central topics, and lays the groundwork f...

  2. Moderni kognitiotiede

    Gaudeamus 2001

    Kognitiotiede on yksi modernin tieteen uusista alueista. Se on monitieteinen alue, joka käyttää hyväkseen eri tieteiden tietämystä ratkoessaan nykyihmisen elämään kuuluvia ongelmia...

  3. Stumbling on happiness

    Gilbert, Daniel
    Books on Tape 2007

  4. Finding and Knowing: Psychology, Information and Computers

    Davies, Clare
    Taylor & Francis Group 2006 1. utgåva

    Explores what we know about how we want, see, browse, read, use and remember online information. Readers take a non-technical and entertaining journey into previously obscure depth...