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Webster's new world 575+ Spanish verbs / Elsa Pittman

Your one-stop reference for Spanish verbs
Mastering Spanish verbs is a tough job for students learning the language, but now it's easier than ever! Whether you're studying the language in school or translating a report for work, Webster's New World 575+ Spanish Verbs is the only verb reference you need. This handy resource lists verbs alphabetically in every mood and tense, complete with their idiomatic forms-so you'll not only know how to use a verb, but when to use it, too.
Webster's New World 575+ Spanish Verbs is the best Spanish verb reference money can buy, packed with more verbs and more extra features, like:
* A comprehensive review of the rules of Spanish conjugation
* More than 1,500 additional verbs in their infinitive form, fully cross-referenced
* Multiple sample sentences that demonstrate common usage for each verb
* An appendix of irregular verbs to cut down on confusion
* A full English-to-Spanish index of all the verbs in the book

FIN EISBN: 9780764567711

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