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Stray City : A Novel

“A thoughtful and joyous literary experience that celebrates its characters and liberally rewards its readers.”New York Times Book Review, Editors' Choice

"I tore through this novel like an orphaned reader seeking a home in its ragtag yet shimmering world." — Carrie Brownstein

“Our ’90s nostalgia is hella high these days, and this tender, funny story made our aging hipster hearts sing.”Marie Claire

A warm, funny, and whip-smart debut novel about rebellious youth, inconceivable motherhood, and the complications of belonging—to a city, a culture, and a family—when none of them can quite contain who you really are.

All of us were refugees of the nuclear family. . .

Twenty-three-year-old artist Andrea Morales escaped her Midwestern Catholic childhood—and the closet—to create a home and life for herself...

ENG EISBN: 9780062666703

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