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Gender and Disability Research in the Nordic Countries

What is disability? What is gender? Why gender and disability? In addressing these questions, this book introduces Nordic scholarship combining gender and disability to an English speaking audience. The book is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of current Nordic research in this area. The content is mostly empirical rather than theoretical and includes studies focusing on the lives of disabled women and men, and others affected by disability. The 15 contributors utilize various theoretical and methodological approaches, including qualitative and quantitative methods as well as historical, text and discourse analysis. The theme unifying the different studies is a focus on the intersection of gender and disability, with an emphasis on providing a gender or feminist analysis of various aspects of disability.

The book should be of value to anyone interested in gender and disability, in particular scholars and students of disability and feminist studies, and other disciplines concerned with the intersection of disability, gender and other social dimensions. The empirical analysis of disabled people’s everyday lives and the services designed for them also make the book relevant for disability activists, policy makers and practitioners in the field of disability.

The ambition with the series ”Social Research on Disability” is to introduce Nordic scientific research oriented towards disability to an international audience.

Series Editors are Ove Mallander and Magnus Tideman, senior lecturers at the universities of Malmö and Halmstad, Sweden.

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