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French For dummies

The fast, informal way to learn to speak French

French is known as perhaps the most beautiful of all languages. Listen to someone speak French—sure, you don't have a clue what they're saying, but aren't you enraptured by the sound of it?

French is a beautiful language but quite difficult to learn. Whether you need to learn the language for a French class, or you travel overseas for business or leisure, this revised edition of French for Dummies can help. Written in an easy-to-follow format, it gives you just what you need for basic communication in French

  • Expanded coverage of necessary grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciations
  • A fully updated and expanded audio CD (including real-life conversations)
  • Useful exercises, practice questions, and a mini-dictionary

Business, an upcoming class, travel – whatever your reason for wanting to learn a new language but don't have time to take a class, French For Dummies can get you well on your way to becoming fluent in no time!

Fås med följande bibliotekskort

Akaa, Hämeenkyrö-Tavastkyro, Ikaalinen-Ikalis, Juupajoki, Kangasala, Kihniö, Lempäälä, Mänttä-Vilppula, Nokia, Orivesi, Parkano, Pirkkala-Birkala, Punkalaidun, Pälkäne, Ruovesi, Sastamala, Tampere-Tammerfors, Urjala, Valkeakoski, Vesilahti, Virrat-Virdois, Ylöjärvi

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