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courageous leader

Imagine if the decision makers responsible for cheating on automotive emission tests had been Courageous Leaders. Imagine if all managers had been courageous enough to consistently act on sexual harassment and bullying in our organisations. Imagine if we all had the courage to do what is best in every situation instead of prioritising our own feelings and needs. Think of the world we could create. Being courageous is about getting past our fears so we can make wiser decisions. It’s about accountability – that as a leader you choose what is best for your organisation, your employees and our entire planet and not what’s most comfortable for you.

In this book, Margareta Kull walks you through the three fears that permeate most human interactions. Using clear examples and light language, she illuminates how we can meet and overcome these fears – in matters great and small.

It’s not easy. It takes discipline and hard work. But we can all be the leaders we truly want to be.

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