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Collected poems

Rimbaud is the enfant terrible of French literature, the precocious genius whose extraordinary poetry is revolutionary in its visionary, hallucinatory content and its often liberated forms. He wrote all his poems between the ages of about 15 and 21, after which he turned his back on family, friends, and France to roam the world. In his final years he was a trader in the Horn of Africa. Out of the brief, colourful life and the poetry of sensory wildness has been created the myth of Rimbaud, an enduring icon of youth, rebellion, and freedom. But behind the myth lies a poetic adventure of high ambition and painful rigour, poignant yet heroic. Rimbaud is one of the greatest French poets of all times.

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Fås med följande bibliotekskort

Kaarina-S:t Karins, Kustavi-Gustavs, Laitila, Lieto-Lundo, Masku, Mynämäki, Naantali-Nådental, Nousiainen-Nousis, Paimio-Pemar, Pyhäranta, Raisio-Reso, Rusko, Salo, Sauvo-Sagu, Taivassalo-Tövsala, Turku-Åbo, Uusikaupunki-Nystad, Vehmaa

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