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Case studies in palleative and end-of-life care

Case Studies in Palliative and End-of-Life Care uses a case-based approach to provide students and practitioners with an important learning tool to improve critical thinking skills and encourage discussion toward improving experiences for patients and their families.

The book is organized into three sections covering subjects related to communication, symptom management, and family care.   Each case is presented in a consistent, logical format for ease of use, highlighting key evidence-based concepts including the case history, care setting, diagnosis and prognosis, assessment, treatment considerations, and family support.

A key reference, Case Studies in Palliative and End-of-Life Care is an invaluable resource for clinicians who provide palliative care to patients with life-limiting illnesses and those at the end of life along with their families.

ENG EISBN: 9781118363270

Fås med följande bibliotekskort

Kaarina-S:t Karins, Kustavi-Gustavs, Laitila, Lieto-Lundo, Masku, Mynämäki, Naantali-Nådental, Nousiainen-Nousis, Paimio-Pemar, Pyhäranta, Raisio-Reso, Rusko, Salo, Sauvo-Sagu, Taivassalo-Tövsala, Turku-Åbo, Uusikaupunki-Nystad, Vehmaa

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