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Autism and Asperger Syndrome: Preparing for Adulthood, Second Edition

Autism and related disorders affect almost every area of an individual's functioning. Yet little has been written on the long-term outcome, particularly for adults who are of high ability but who continue to be handicapped by their social, communication and behavioural difficulties. Autism and Asperger Syndrome reviews what is known about adults with autism in terms of their social functioning, educational and occupational status. Focusing mainly on the problems experienced by high functioning people with autism - and those working with and caring for them - the book offers practical ways of dealing with their difficulties. Each chapter makes use of clinical case material to illustrate the kinds of problems faced and ways in which they may be overcome. First-hand accounts from people with autism are included and links with psychiatric illness in later life are explored.This new edition of a book helpful to both professionals and families with autistic children has been completely updated to take account of the latest research in the field. It also includes an additional chapter on the differences between autism and Asperger syndrome.

Taylor & Francis Group 2. utgåva
ENG EISBN: 0203439805

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