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An Introduction to Global Studies

Taking an interdisciplinary approach, An Introduction to Global Studies presents readers with a solid introduction to the complex, interconnected forces and issues confronting today's globalized world.

  • Introduces readers to major theories, key terms, concepts, and notable theorists
  • Equips readers with the basic knowledge and conceptual tools necessary for thinking critically about the complex issues facing the global community
  • Includes a variety of supplemental features to facilitate learning and enhance readers' understanding of the material
ENG EISBN: 9781444329582

Fås med följande bibliotekskort

Korsnäs, Kristinestad-Kristiinankaupunki, Kronoby-Kruunupyy, Larsmo-Luoto, Malax-Maalahti, Korsholm-Mustasaari, Närpes-Närpiö, Pedersöre-Pedersören kunta, Jakobstad-Pietarsaari, Nykarleby-Uusikaarlepyy, Vorå-Vöyri

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