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3B7C : The Saint Brandon DXpedition 2007

BEING PART OF A MAJOR RADIO EXPEDITION is very special. It is as much fun to provide a unique DX or IOTA contact as it is for the DX-IOTA chaser to receive it. It is exciting to sit in front of the transceiver and listen to the vast and endless pile-ups. It is satisfying to be able to provide radio amateurs with each hard fought contact. To be the hunted DX is incomparable and very rewarding and hopefully every radio amateur will, at least once in his or her lifetime, get the opportunity to experience this stimulating aspect of the hobby.

In this photo book, Pete Arninge (SM5GMZ), have gathered pictures and texts that show the very heart and soul of a typical radio expedition. Some of them have already been published in a large variety of magazines worldwide; others have come from Pete's large and ever-growing photo archive. Many of the pictures in this book illustrate the tremendous work that goes into the planning of an ambitious trip like this. With 137,500 contacts in the log, the operation from the small island of Saint Brandon, in the southern Indian Ocean, is one of the biggest radio expeditions ever undertaken. This photo book is 100 % about amateur radio and shows clearly why this fantastic hobby still is without any comparison!

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