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101 Amazing Facts about Enid Blyton

Did you know that Enid Blyton very nearly became a professional musician rather than an author? Or that it was the secret passageway and haunted room in a house in which she stayed that inspired her to write many wonderful stories? Why did she hate her mother so much? And what was she like at school? This fascinating book contains over one hundred facts about Blyton, organised into categories for easy reading. Whether you are studying her for a project or you are just interested in finding out more about the much-loved children’s author, this is the book for you.

Andrews UK 1. utgåva
ENG EISBN: 9781783336944

Fås med följande bibliotekskort

Hausjärvi, Hyvinkää-Hyvinge, Loppi, Nurmijärvi, Riihimäki

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