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We Love Anderson Cooper : Short Stories (ljudbok)

"Maizes populates her stories with a cast of diverse ages, genders, and ethnicities, all of them perfectly captured by the rich, rounded voice of narrator Barrie Kreinik." — LitHub

In this quirky, humorous, and deeply human short story collection, Pushcart Prize-nominated author R.L. Maizes reminds us that even in our most isolated moments, we are never truly alone.

In We Love Anderson Cooper, characters are treated as outsiders because of their sexual orientation, racial or religious identity, or simply because they look different. A young man courts the publicity that comes from outing himself at his bar mitzvah. When a painter is shunned because of his appearance, he learns to ink tattoos that come to life. A paranoid Jewish actuary suspects his cat of cheating on him—with his Protestant girlfriend.

In this debut collection, humor complements pathos. Readers will recognize themselves in these stories and in these...

Macmillan Audio Unabridged
ENG EISBN: 9781250226747

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