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The Informant (ljudbok)

A gripping audio about a federal agent, a gruesome killer, and a puppeteering harbinger of murder. The Informant teams a resourceful female FBI agent and an embattled Miami Tribune crime reporter in a hunt for two men, one a murderer and the other an unknown informer, in an ingenious and exhilarating chase from Florida to San Francisco and into the Caribbean.

ENG EISBN: 9780060823955

Fås med följande bibliotekskort

Kaarina-S:t Karins, Kustavi-Gustavs, Laitila, Lieto-Lundo, Masku, Mynämäki, Naantali-Nådental, Nousiainen-Nousis, Paimio-Pemar, Pyhäranta, Raisio-Reso, Rusko, Salo, Sauvo-Sagu, Taivassalo-Tövsala, Turku-Åbo, Uusikaupunki-Nystad, Vehmaa

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