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Capoeira: The History of an Afro-Brazilian Martial Art

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art now spreading over the rest of the world, and is the only sport from Brazil that seeks Olympic recognition. Originally the preserve of the underclasses in Brazilian society, capoeira is now practised amongst the middle-classes, and even taught as a sport in schools. The author explores the history of capoeira and explores the conflict between traditionalists, who view capoeira as their heritage descended from the maroons, a weapon to be used against injustice and repression; reformers, who wish to see the spread of the sport internationally; and academics, who are attempting to discover the true history of capoeira as opposed to the myth.

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Imatra, Lappeenranta-Villmanstrand, Lemi, Parikkala, Rautjärvi, Ruokolahti, Savitaipale, Taipalsaari

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