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  1. Hardwiring happiness : the new brain science of contentment, calm, and confidence

    Hanson, Rick
    Harmony 2013

    "SEE THROUGH THE LIES YOUR BRAIN TELLS YOU Why is it easier to ruminate over hurt feelings than it is to bask in the warmth of being appreciated? Your brain was wired this way when...

  2. Mistakes were made (but not by me) : why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts

    Tavris, Carol

    Cognitive dissonance: the engine of self-justification -- Pride and prejudice-- and other blind spots -- Memory, the self-justifying historian -- Good intentions, bad science: the...

  3. Mozartin hiukset

    Lintunen, Maritta
    WSOY 2011 1. edition

    Syttyneitä, sammuneita ja maata kiertäviä tähtiäKansainvälisen tason konserttipianisti joutuu nöyrtymään päivittäistavaramarketin taustamuusikoksi. Hiljaiseen asiakaskuntaan ilmaan...

  4. Decisive : how to make better choices in life and work

    Heath, Chip
    Books on Tape 2013

    The four villains of decision-making ; Avoid a narrow frame ; Multitracking ; Find someone who's solved your problem ; Consider the opposite ; Zoom in, zoom out ; Ooch ; Overcome s...

  5. Coaching for resilience a practical guide to using positive psychology

    Green, Adrienne.; Humphrey, John
    Kogan Page 2012

    Coaching for Resilience is your practical guide to the principles of positive psychology. Using tried and tested techniques it will show you how to motivate and inspire your client...

  6. Psychometrics in coaching using psychological and psychometric tools for development

    Passmore, Jonathan
    Kogan Page 2012 Second edition.

    With a growing demand for psychometric testing in the coaching profession, coaches and practitioners alike need to understand the psychology underpinning the tests as well as how t...

  7. Johda ihmistä : psykologiaa johtajille

    Leppänen, Makke
    Talentum 2012

    Johtamisen vaatimukset muuttuvat toimintaympäristöjen muutosten myötä. Tämä on johtanut siihen, että bulkkijohtaminen ei enää toimi, vaan johtamisessa tarvitaan yhä yksilöllisempää...

  8. History and philosophy of psychology

    Chung, Man Cheung.; Hyland, Michael E
    Wiley 2012

    History and Philosophy of Psychology is a lively introduction to the historical development of psychology. Its distinct inclusion of ideas from both Eastern and Western philosophie...

  9. The Act of Remembering toward an understanding of how we recall the past

    Mace, John H
    Wiley 2010

    The first volume devoted solely to autobiographical memory retrieval, The Act of Remembering serves as a primer of ideas, methodology, and central topics, and lays the groundwork f...

  10. Neuro-linguistic programming for dummies / Romilla Ready, Kate Burton

    Ready, Romilla; Burton, Kate
    Wiley 2009

    NLP has a simple premise: take someone who's good at something, model how they do it and learn from them. This way it is possible to understand the thought processes common to exce...

  11. Kliininen lapsipsykologia

    Broberg, Anders.; Almqvist, Kjerstin.; Tjus, Tomas.; Bergroth, Riitta
    Edita 2005

    Lasten psyykkinen kehitys voi edetä erilaisia teitä sen mukaan, kuinka lapsen synnynnäiset ominaisuudet ja ympäristön tapa vastata lapsen tarpeisiin soveltuvat yhteen. Psyykkiset h...

  12. Moderni kognitiotiede

    Gaudeamus 2001

    Kognitiotiede on yksi modernin tieteen uusista alueista. Se on monitieteinen alue, joka käyttää hyväkseen eri tieteiden tietämystä ratkoessaan nykyihmisen elämään kuuluvia ongelmia...

  13. How to instantly connect with anyone : 96 all-new little tricks for big success in relationships

    Lowndes, Leil
    Listen & Live Audio 2009

    Seven little tricks to make a great impression before people even meet you ; Eleven little tricks to take the "hell" out of "hello" and put the "good" in "good-bye" ; Twelve little...

  14. Sport psychology

    John Wiley and Sons 2009

    Introduction / Britton W. Brewer. Motivation / Robert S. Weinberg. Attention, concetration and thought management / Aidan P. Moran. Management of competitive stress in elite sport...

  15. Happiness : unlocking the mysteries of psychological wealth

    Diener, Ed
    John Wiley & Sons 2009

    Utilizing sophisticated methodology and three decades of research by the world's leading expert on happiness, Happiness challenges the present thinking of the causes and consequenc...

  16. Your brain and your self : what you need to know

    Neirynck, Jacques
    Berlin 2009

    The controversial seat of myself ; A simple architecture of the brain ; Seeing through oneself: brain imagining ; Dispersed memories ; The prevention of Parkinson disease ; The tre...

  17. Metacognitive therapy : distinctive features

    Fisher, Peter
    Taylor & Francis Group 2009