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  1. Know Your Feelings : Recognizing Emotions

    Krekelberg, Alyssa
    The Child's World, Inc. 2020

    Shares three stories of children learning how to recognize their emotions. Vibrant and colorful photos help tell the stories. Additional features include a table of contents, a pho...

  2. We Work Together : Learning about Teamwork

    Krekelberg, Alyssa
    The Child's World, Inc. 2020

    Shares three stories of children learning how to work together as a team. Vibrant and colorful photos help tell the stories. Additional features include a table of contents, a phon...

  3. No One Is the Same : Appreciating Differences

    Krekelberg, Alyssa
    The Child's World, Inc. 2020

    Shares three stories of children learning how to appreciate differences among people. Vibrant and colorful photos help tell the stories. Additional features include a table of cont...

  4. Siento ansiedad (I Feel Anxious)

    Cooper, Abby
    Jump! 2020


  5. Setting Boundaries : Learning about Healthy Relationships

    Krekelberg, Alyssa
    The Child's World, Inc. 2020

    Shares three stories of children learning how to set boundaries and have healthy relationships. Vibrant and colorful photos help tell the stories. Additional features include a tab...

  6. Disgusting Jobs

    Mattern, Joanne
    Kaleidocope Publishing 2020

    Clock in and hold your nose! In this title, readers will get a close-up look at all sorts of disgusting jobs through vivid images, infographics, sidebars, and more.

  7. Frito Lay

    Duling, Kaitlyn
    Kaleidocope Publishing 2020

    Grab a snack! This title is packed with the history of Frito Lay through narrative nonfiction, informative sidebars, Fun Facts, and more.

  8. Hershey

    Duling, Kaitlyn
    Kaleidocope Publishing 2020

    What a sweet treat! This title is packed with the history of The Hersey Company through narrative nonfiction, informative sidebars, Fun Facts, and more.

  9. Worrying Too Much : Learning How to Manage Stress

    Krekelberg, Alyssa
    The Child's World, Inc. 2020

    Shares three stories of children learning how to manage stress. Vibrant and colorful photos help tell the stories. Additional features include a table of contents, a phonetic gloss...

  10. Yorkshire Terriers

    Davison, Anna
    Kaleidocope Publishing 2020

    The princess of puppies! This title includes narrative nonfiction, informational sidebars, Fun Facts, and more for readers to learn about the history of Yorkshire Terriers and how...

  11. Älä vihaa minua: Kirjeitä ihmisille

    Niemelä, Reetta; Pelliccioni, Sanna
    Otava 2020 1. edition

    Susi, puutiainen, kyy ja rotta ovat kaikki pelättyjä tai jopa vihattuja luontokappaleita. Mutta voisimmeko oppia ymmärtämään myös näiden lajien elämää? Reetta Niemelän ja Sanna Pel...

  12. Kadonneet eläimet

    Koivisto, Aura

    Upeasti kuvitettu lasten tietokirja vie aikamatkalle kauas menneisyyteen tarkkailemaan muinaisia eläimiä, joita on kauan sitten elänyt Euroopassa, myös Suomessa. Sukupuuttoon kuo...

  13. Homes Around the World Read-Along ebook

    Herweck Rice, Dona
    Teacher Created Materials 2020 1. edition

    Learn about the different places that people call home—from apartments to cottages and castles to farmhouses. With bright, vivid photos and easy-to-read informational text, readers...

  14. Kadonneet eläimet

    Koivisto, Aura; Vanas, Anu
    Minerva Kustannus 2020 1. edition

    Upeasti kuvitettu lasten tietokirja vie aikamatkalle kauas menneisyyteen tarkkailemaan muinaisia eläimiä, joita on kauan sitten elänyt Euroopassa, myös Suomessa. Sukupuuttoon kuoll...

  15. Ponimme Possukka

    Lukkarila, Päivi; Niemensivu, Reetta
    Otava 2020 1. edition

    Olipa kerran pieni poni, jonka mielestä parasta maailmassa oli laukata täyttä vauhtia. Vaikka se ei erityisesti pitänyt veteen menemisestä, se oli nimetty mertenjumalan, Poseidonin...

  16. Рыцари. Полная энциклопедия

    Школьник, Юлия
    ЛитРес 2020

    Эта энциклопедия представляет полную историю европейского рыцарства – от зарождения рыцарского сословия в XI в. до его исчезновения в конце XVI в. Это уникальное издание освещает р...

  17. Lev som du vill. Tio svenska kvinnor visar vägen

    Ohlsson, Birgitta
    Bonnier Carlsen

    Läs om tio fantastiska kvinnors liv och låt dig inspireras av berättelserna om dem! Birgitta Ohlsson; feminist, riksdagsledamot, EU-och demokratiminister debuterar som barnboksför...

  18. Mat, mat, mat

    Isenborg, Fredrica
    Rabén & Sjögren

    Vad blir det för mat idag? Öppna kylskåpet så får du se. Med en liten människas blick får vi följa med på ett matäventyr som väcker lust och tankar kring former, färger, konsistens...

  19. Matens färger

    Isenborg, Fredrica
    Rabén & Sjögren

    Vilken färg har tomaten, gurkan och bananen? Njut av plommonlila, rödbetsröd och päronbrun. Här får de yngsta läsarna utforska matens alla färger med hjälp av Lotta Kühlhorns forme...

  20. 20 000 лье под водой

    Верн, Жюл
    Glagoslav Distribution (M) 2020

    Профессор Аронакс и его друзья волею судьбы оказываются на борту подводного судна «Наутилус», которым управляет загадочный капитан Немо. Экипаж «Наутилуса» совершит путешествие во...