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Modern European History 1871-2000: A Documentary Reader

Modern European History brings together a unique selection of documents covering the period from 1871 to 2000. The collection is organised by topic, and a clear historical context and chronological chart provide background for each section. This second edition brings the book up to date and includes such key themes in European history as: * Bismarck and Imperial Germany * the Russian Revolution * the origins and aftermath of the First and Second World Wars * Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany * The Spanish Civil War * The Cold War * European Integration 1945-1999

Containing documents such as extracts from diaries, speeches, treaties, poetry, radio broadcasts, photographs, cartoons, political posters and propaganda, this is an essential resource for students of modern British and European history.

Taylor & Francis Group 2. edition
ENG EISBN: 0203259432

Available with these library cards

Enonkoski, Heinävesi, Hirvensalmi, Joroinen-Jorois, Juva, Mikkeli-S:t Michel, Mäntyharju, Pertunmaa, Pieksämäki, Puumala, Rantasalmi, Savonlinna-Nyslott, Varkaus

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