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Belief Revision meets Philosophy of Science : Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science

Table of contents

1. AGM Theory and Artificial Intelligence
Raúl Carnota, Ricardo Rodríguez

2. Changing the Scientific Corpus
Sven Ove Hansson

3. Idealizations, Intertheory Explanations and Conditionals
Hans Rott

4. Abductive Belief Revision in Science
Gerhard Schurz

5. A Structuralist Framework for the Logic of Theory Change
Sebastian Enqvist

6. Using Conceptual Spaces to Model the Dynamics of Empirical Theories
Peter Gärdenfors, Frank Zenker

7. A Note on Theory Change and Belief Revision
Bengt Hansson

8. Social Norms, Rational Choice and Belief Change
Horacio Arló-Costa, Arthur Paul Pedersen

9. Rational Belief Changes for Collective Agents
David Westlund

10. The Best of All PossibleWorlds: Where Interrogative Games Meet Research Agendas
Emmanuel Genot

11. Functional vs. Relational Approaches to Belief Revision
Erik J. Olsson

12. Knowledge as True Belief
Isaac Levi

13. Reasoning About Belief Revision
Caroline Semmling, Heinrich Wansing

14. Changing Minds About Climate Change: Belief Revision, Coherence, and Emotion
Paul Thagard, Scott Findlay

15. Rationality in Flux – Formal Representations of Methodological Change
Jonas Nilsson, Sten Lindström

Springer 1. edition
ENG EISBN: 9789048196098

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