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Glass Dog

Lyman Frank Baum’s The Glass Dog is a fairy tale. A wizard is always interrupted during his studies and experiments so he thinks a dog could ward off intruders, but the dog he wants does not exist so he asks for a glass dog. The glassblower assistant then heals a dying rich woman on condition that she marries him. She promises it even though she does not want him because he is ugly, so she asks him to steal the dog and she turns it against him. The wizard offers the Beauty power to the one who finds his dog, the assistant finds it so he becomes beautiful. The woman now wants to marry him...

Faligi Editore 1. utgåva
ENG EISBN: 9788857412948

Fås med följande bibliotekskort

Asikkala, Hartola, Heinola, Hollola, Kärkölä, Lahti-Lahtis, Orimattila, Padasjoki, Sysmä

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